The passing of an era...Star Trek passes to the stars
The end of an era as come as the last episodes of Enterprise passes into history and into the stars. I was proud of the writers for how they ended the show and how it isn't the last we see of the Star Trek series that a lot of us grew up with. With hope they will bring back another series in a few years when old and new fans begin to emerge and re-emerge once more. I think the show brought us a great deal to learn about accepting others for who and what they are, how to trust others and accept changes that come, how to deal with the loss of friends and lets not forget political issues I also hope that the actors we followed and learned to care about do not forget their fans that truly did support them, these last four years. I know this sounds geeky but I felt as if we all traveled together on their journeys every Wednesday night then on Friday nights when they moved it to the death slot of television. I was having hopes UPN would have allow the series to continue to develop at least another season but I see that they would rather allow a show that requires no thinking to watch just a small amount of brain matter. I am quite disappointed in UPN decision to produce crap rather than quality on their network, maybe some exec for that network will wake up one day and understand there is more intelligent people out there than they actually realize Please feel free to express your feelings on the subject or any other you feel like talking about
Let's just be plain about this...UPN sucks. The last two episodes were very good. I especially liked the next to last episode. But it was good to see Number 1 and Troi as well.
Still with every passing commercial I wished UPN would pass into the stars. They are canceling Enterprise and replacing it with crap. Thanks for nothing, UPN.
Well, better to leave them wanting more than to let Enterprise totally suck and stagger slowly to it's gasping, wheezing death. Sure I want there to be more Trek, but it was showing clear signs of franchise fatigue. Where hasn't Trek taken us? We've been to the past, the present, the future, alternate dimensions, the other side of the galaxy, love, death, political, social, cultural, sexual and religious's time for a rest.
I was glad to see Troi and Riker too, but oddly disappointed to find out it was set before the destruction of the Enterprise D. They're both showing their age, especially Troi.
If there is a new incarnation of Trek I'm betting it will be 2d or 3d animated, which would free the storylines considerably with no effects budget to worry about.
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