"Serenity" fills the void for the fans
The theater Friday night was packed with fans, both new and old, including our small group that attended. I almost couldn't tell the difference between the fan bases. Some of the old fans of the original series wore their T-shirts with different words scripted in Chinese that read Joss is Boss to troublemaker and with the end of the movie came applause from the crowd that seemed to show Serenity lived up to the hype. So far all my friends love this movie. Joss has another hit on his hands even if the series did not fare well on the Fox network. I am hoping to see a sequel down the road and from what I have read, so does Joss Whedon. The characters all worked well together even after a four-year absence from the Firefly sets I could still see the wonderful comradery between the actors. As I said in a previous post the humor and action mixed so well together. Joss has a talent for bringing the two together and showing sides of characters you need to know to make a story work. The one liners from almost every member of the crew had me rolling with laughter at times, while the action sequences kept me on the edge of my seat. I am sure that those who see this fun movie over the upcoming weeks will agree that it was worth seeing. And dare I say worth buying in a few months when it hits DVD we give it 4 out of 5 aliens. So spend your $7.50 and see it, then go back and watch the series on the SCIFI channel I am hoping my fellow author, Cheryl will post her thoughts on the movie (Hint, Hint)
Yes, yes I can take a hint.
I liked it, I really really liked it. I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't seen it yet...but some people may be find certain events disappointing. Still I truly hope this revives the Firefly series. More TV shows and more movies, more, more, more.
This is definitely one of the best scifi movies of the year and perhaps for the last several years. We live in a time where there is a growing amount of science fiction to choose from, nonetheless, Serenity is a true stand out. GO SEE IT! GO NOW! RUN!
Best movie of any kind this year, best sci fi in at least the last five years. Extraordinary writing and story line, tight and well crafted. I am still amazed by how well this one went. Total suspension of disbelief for the entire duration of the movie. No need to see the series first, it stands alone (you will want to the the series anyway however.. so buy the DVD set).
I hate it that they killed Wash AND the preacher. Cut off all those back story lines.. shoot... the deaths did tend to underline the serious nature of the storyline and a grim fight against all odds.. you knew someone had to die.. shame the bad guy didn't.
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