"Pirates Of the Caribbean : Dead Mans Chest" Worth the Doubloons
My beautiful wife and I saw the Friday 730 showing of "Pirates of the Caribbean Dead :Mans Chest" and we were both in agreement that will be seeing the movie again. I loved the storyline which takes place soon after Will and Elisabeth help Jack Sparrow, I mean Capt Jack Sparrow escape from Port Royal. The writers opened a lot of different storylines in this film, which is the second of three films being made, this one is more of a bridge for the next film as you will understand once you goto see it. The third film is due out labor day weekend of 2007 which we already added to our calender. The swaggering Capt Jack pushed the man of steel overboard and into second place with over 132 million dollars in ticket sales, opening weekend, so not too bad for a trilogy film which in Hollywood is sometimes the kiss of death for actors, writers and directors, aside from a few exceptions such as LOTR and the Harry Potter books. Johnny Depp said in a recent interview, "If the scripts were good he wouldn’t mind doing 4, 5, 6," and I am sure fans such as me would love to see them done as well. I think Johnny Depp has found his best character yet. I say go see it and just relax and enjoy the cruise and Thank You for sailing the Black Pearl.
And be sure to stay through the credits!
I didn't like it as much as you (see review http://rfraley301.blogspot.com/2006/07/friday-movie-review-quite-early.html), but what you wrote is dead correct. More entries! Get Cheryl writing regularly.
We went just last night. I have to say a 6:30 wednesday night show was STILL sold out almost two full weeks into the opening. Trena liked it a lot better than me but I was not bored through the film. I like what they tried to do with the story line and I think they told a complete story for a middle movie in a trilogy.. I did not feel ripped off like I did with "Empire Strikes Back" (Yes I know everyone else on the planet thinks that was the best of the original trilogy). I continued to be fascinated throughout the movie by the costumes of Davy Jones crew. Now.. I have to throw this in.. there is a british author named Neal Ahser who wrote a true sci fi book named "The Skinner" (May '04) about a mostly water planet with an interesting parasite. The primary plot points of this movie line are a direct ripoff of this novel story line. I wonder if anyone else will pick that out (by the way I LOVED the novel). Still and all..I can overlook how a ship comes up from the depths and fires cannon with gunpowder that was down there too... I enjoyed the tone and feel of the movie again but I have to tell you that moonlight fight between sparrow and his nemisis in the first movie was NOT matched in this one.... I will certainly go see the third but not likely return to this one for a second viewing.
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