Star Wars series getting closer to reality
George Lucas seems to be pressing the series idea for Star Wars that follows a new story line of characters. Lucas checked on Matthew Newton. The 28 year old actor was in the running for Anakin Skywalker role before Hayden Christensen finally landed it in episode II Attack of the Clones. Matthew Newton has reportedly already visited with Lucas at his Skywalker ranch in CA and may be cast as the hero of the new series once it begins production later this year or early next. It seems the money making franchise will continue its unbelievable growth with the Star Wars television series and I hope Mr Lucas continues to hold true to the story lines and shows both the good and the dark side of the force since you do need a little evil to balance out the good. I am sure that sci fi and Star Wars fans alike will be planted in front of there televisions with DVDRs and VCRs at the ready when it finally does make its T.V. premiere. So far as I know, there is no news on what network the show will appear but I sort of have my doubts it will be on UPN since they seem more interested in the more brainless sort of programming as of late, so I would look for it on a larger network. If anyone has any new information on the new Star Wars series please E-mail us here at SCIFIPUNDIT or post a comment so we can get the word out to the fans.
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